Store with Hivenet
Manage all your files from all your devices, lower costs, and cut your carbon footprint
Every byte you store or share on Hivenet contributes to a collective vision where cloud technology serves our storage needs, but also our shared values.
Be rewarded for your unused drive space
Got extra storage space gathering digital dust? Hivenet is the only provider that lets you contribute the storage space you don't use and offset your monthly bill.
Build the right cloud
By joining Hivenet you become part of a community that's building the cloud as it should be.
Make the cloud sustainable
A typical centralized data center consumes huge amounts of energy. By joining the Hive community, you can change that.
Keep your files secure
Hivenet's technology is designed from the ground up to ensure your files are stored with the utmost security.
Hivenet's distributed technology ensures that the power consumption for every member of our community is kept to a minimum, reducing your carbon footprint.
Unlike centralized cloud, we are sustainable by nature.
Our paid plans offer more than just storage.
You get value, security, and community-driven innovation, all at a competitive price.
Hivenet is running on our distributed cloud platform.
It's powered by the contributions of Hivers—our dedicated community members—who offer their storage space and computing power to create a secure and resilient network.