Welcome to Hivenet’s latest offer - 1TB storage for just €1. This campaign aims to welcome new users and reward our community with an exceptional deal. Before joining, we invite you to review these terms to fully understand the campaign's scope.
New Users: If you're not yet part of Hivenet, sign up now to enjoy our 1TB offer for just €1.
Freemium Users: If you already have a free Hivenet account, you're also eligible for this discounted rate. Upgrade from www.hivenet.com/1eu-1tb-campaign
1TB for €1: Both new and existing users can access a 1TB plan at a promotional rate of €1 per month or €12 per year during the campaign. There is no expiration date; this price stands for as long as you stay on the 1TB plan.
Starts: December 1, 2024, at 00:01 GMT
Ends: December 31, 2024, at 23:59 GMT
Click on the 1TB monthy or yearly plan buttons on the campaign page.
Questions? Contact us at support@hivenet.com.