Since the very beginning, the experience and feedback of our early adopters has been instrumental in shaping the future of Hivenet, and now, we're ready to reveal something that we've been thinking of working on for quite some time - a brand new webpage based on the collective input from our community: a feature-feedback voting system!
We believe the future of Hivenet should be driven by the people who use our cloud the most, YOU. This public roadmap is the perfect way for you to have a direct impact on our plans by casting your votes and commenting on what features we should prioritize next. So, not only can you suggest new features but you can also influence which ones go live! To have a sneak peek into what's brewing, visit the Roadmap page at
But that's not all.
We now have a Discord server! We’ve heard your calls for more interaction and deeper community involvement, so we've created a dedicated space where you can come together, spark conversations, share ideas and, most importantly, engage directly with us.
Our goal is to use the Discord server to share directly the latest updates, discuss potential and upcoming features, or simply connect with fellow Hivers. We believe in a community that is engaged, empowered, and excited to talk about Hivenet and everything that gets you going. Anime, video games, the environment, your favorite cat photos. Everything is fair game.
We are incredibly grateful for your continual support and engagement. Together, we are truly shaping the future of the cloud, and we can't wait to see where this journey takes us.
Get buzzing and join us on Discord today.
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