
Téléchargez l'application Hivenet et stockez vos fichiers dans un espace de stockage cloud sécurisé, distribué et géré par la communauté, bénéfique à la fois pour notre planète et pour votre portefeuille.

Download on the app storeGet it on google play

Also available on macOS, Windows and iOS and Android. Contribute-only mode available on NAS or Linux server.

Contribuez à Hivenet

Rejoignez la communauté Hivenet en versant l'espace disque inutilisé de votre NAS ou de votre serveur vers notre cloud, et compensez ainsi vos frais d'abonnement.

Processeur et système d'exploitation pris en charge
Guide de configuration du Synology NAS
Guide de configuration Linux

$ curl -L --output hive-disk-1.22.8_linux-amd64.tar.gz

$ tar -xvzf hive-disk-1.22.8_linux-amd64.tar.gz

$ curl -L --output hive-disk-1.22.8_linux-arm64.tar.gz

$ tar -xvzf hive-disk-1.22.8_linux-arm64.tar.gz

Just a heads up

Contributing unused storage and choosing a paid plan isn't possible on mobile currently.

Please visit this page to learn more on how you can join the community. To select a paid plan, please visit the pricing page on our website to find your best fit.

Welcome to the swarm.


Not using a costly infrastructure means significant savings that get passed onto you. Because you make the infrastructure.

Build the right cloud

By joining Hivenet, you become part of a community that's building the cloud as it should be.

Make the cloud sustainable

A typical centralized data center consumes huge amounts of energy. By joining the Hivenetcommunity, you can change that.

Keep your files secure

Hivenet's technology is designed from the ground up to ensure your files are stored with the utmost security and privacy.

PoliCloud + Hivenet

30% Off Hivenet Plans!

PoliCloud, powered by Hivenet’s technology, is redefining sovereign cloud storage. To celebrate our partnership, we’re offering 30% off all Hivenet plans—for a limited time!

*Offer ends March 31, 2025. Don't miss out!

Read our Terms & Conditions